Saturday, September 29, 2012

Try this 30-Day Improvement Guide from "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz

30-Day Improvement Guide

Making improvements involves a process. We improve by taking small steps toward success. We set our goals then act on them gradually. Ideally we all wish we could just take one giant leap and be there but that is not likely to happen for all of us. So in order to improve we plan. An excellent plan as David Schwartz explains in his book, "The Magic of Thinking Big," is to set monthly quotas for accomplishment.

Take a step back and examine yourself. What should you do to make yourself more effective? Use my list below as a reference. Under each of the major headings I've made notes of things I will do in the next 30 days. Then, when the 30-day period is up, I will check my progress and build a new 30-day goal. The idea is to keep working on the "little" things to get you in shape for the big stuff!

A. Breaking Habits

1. Watching TV or being on Facebook  more than 60 minutes per day.
2. Putting things off
3. Hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock twice.
4. Spending stupidly on things like Starbucks twice a day and eating out. Instead I will make my own coffee and pack my own lunch.
5. Ignore gossip - especially in the work place. Change the topic or excuse myself immediately when it approaches me. 

B. Acquire these habits:

1. Taking a close look at my appearance each morning. Does everything I'm wearing make me look successful?
2. Keep an organized calendar of events happening for the month.
3. Compliment people at every possible opportunity.
4. Talk to random people on the street, gym, elevator...anywhere I can.
5. Up my savings to $500 each pay period.

C. Increase my value to my employer in these ways:

1. Learn more about other areas of the company, what the departments do and how they serve the customers.
2. Develop training classes at the company to educate employees on the importance of customer satisfaction and the tools that the marketing department has developed to help ensure customer satisfaction. 
3. Read 30 minutes each day about something that relates to my industry.
4. Keep the company fresh. Improve by developing newer ways to market the company at its services using and helping customers engage easily with the company.

D. Increase my value the value in my home in these ways:

1. Spend at least 2 hours each week with my mother.
2. Connect with my siblings at least once a week.

E. Sharpen my mind in these ways:

1. Invest 30 mins each day reading professional magazines or blogs in my field.
2. Read one-self help book.
3. Continue investing 2 hours in the gym 5 days per week.
4. Make four new friends.
5. Spend 30 minutes daily in quiet, undisturbed thinking.


  1. I am so glad you posted this! I read "The Magic of Thinking Big" from July-September 2012 and these were my finishing notes ""Finished this book 9/1/12 and there was definitely a mind SHIFT! This book was one of the best reads in my business book library!"

    I'm joining you on the 30 day journey. Your bio really moved me. May you be strengthened as you fulfill your father's wishes.

    1. Tina, I am so glad we share the experience of reading "The Magic of Thinking Big!" Thought leaders like David Schwartz are a blessing. I wish you much luck on your 30 Day journey! Anyone who is dedicated to spelling out their goals in a list then sharing them is destined for success. On that note, I will meet you at the top! - Kindest, Dennis

    Between now and November 10, 2012 I will work daily to…

    A. Break Habits
    1. Being on FB more than 30 minutes per day.
    2. Putting things off.
    3. Going to bed past 11:30 p.m. Monday - Thursday

    B. Acquire these habits:
    1. Keep an organized calendar of events happening for the month.
    2. Arrive places early.
    3. Work on the budget
    4. Get in the bed between 11 p.m.-11:30 p.m.

    C. Increase my value to my employer in these ways:
    1. Learn more about other areas of the company, what the departments do and how they serve the customers.
    2. Complete all weekly tasks.
    3. Read 30 minutes each day about something that relates to my industry.

    D. Increase my value to my business in these ways:
    1. Seek out more companies and ways to distribute products.
    2. Create a stronger brand – “We direct sell natural products…”
    3. Develop monthly goals – begin planning 2013.
    3. Work from a task list.

    E. Increase my value the value in my home in these ways:
    1. Show more appreciation towards my husband and notice the “little” things he does.
    2. Spend 15 minutes daily connecting one-on-one with each child individually.
    3. Have dinner on the table at 6:30 p.m. daily.

    F. Sharpen my mind in these ways:
    1. Invest 60 minutes each day reading.
    2. Read one-self help book.
    3. Spend 30 minutes daily in quiet, undisturbed thinking.
